FT Directory Listing Free Documentation

Thank you for using our FT Directory Listing Theme. Please read and follow the instructions and If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, you can submit a ticket.

Important Note:

Before beginning the installation process, please make sure you are using the latest version of WordPress and the Theme.

Getting Started

Let’s get started! First, make sure that you have all the necessary things required to install FT Directory Listing Free

Theme Requirements

Make sure you have the latest version of WordPress installed, by checking the updates tab from your current WordPress dashboard.

If you haven’t downloaded WordPress already, you can download it from the WordPress repository via WordPress Official Site.

After you have the latest version of WordPress, download the theme ZIP file, and save it somewhere handy on your computer, as you will be using the included files for the rest of the installation process.

Theme Installation

Step 1: Upload and Activation

There are two methods to install FT Directory Listing Free theme. You may either upload the zipped theme file using the WordPress theme installer (Recommended), or you can upload the unzipped theme folder via FTP (Advanced).

Method 1 ( Recommended) : Install Using the WordPress Theme Installer

Log into your WordPress site and opens the Administration Panel.

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click on the Add New button.
  1. Click on the Upload Theme link.
  2. Click on Choose File, select the ft-directory-listing.zip file from your computer and click upload.
  1. Click Install Now

Method 2: Install Using File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

  1. Unzip “ft-directory-listing.zip” file on your computer.
  2. Login using FTP client to access your host web server.
  3. Locate the wp-content folder in your WordPress install files.
  4. Upload the un-zipped ft-directory-listing folder into the: wp-content/themes folder.

For More Information about installing theme using FTP. Check how to add a new theme.

Activate the theme

  1. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel.
  2. Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress menu
  3. Hover over the theme thumbnail and click the Activate button.

Import Demo Content

Go to Appearance/ Install Plugin and install and activate the recommended plugins from there

After you have installed and activated these plugins, Now go to Dashboard/ Appearance/ Import Demo Data. From there you can import the demo content for FT Directory Listing

Theme Options (Changing Demo Content)

After you have set up the demo, you can change the Homepage content from here ( Appearance/ Customizer/ Theme Options )you will be able to use these options

Theme Options are

  1. Banner Section
  2. Listing Section Options
  3. Call to Action Options
  4. Blog Section
  5. Prefooter Section


Creating posts

Step 1: Navigate to Posts in your WordPress admin sidebar.

Step 2: Click on the Add New option to make a new post. Create a title, and insert your post content in the editing field.

Step 3: Select Post Format from the right side.

Step 4: Add categories from the right side. To assign it to the post, check the box next to the category name.

Step 5: Add tags from the right side. Type the name of the tag in the field, separate multiple tags with commas.

Step 6: you can add featured image. To do so, first click the featured image box, select an image and click the set featured image button.

Creating Menu

Step 1: Go to backend. Click Appearance > Menus.

Step 2: Enter Menu Name. And assign menu.

Step 3: Click on Create Menu.

Step 4: Now at the bottom you can find Menu Setting with auto add pages and display location. Click on Primary Menu and click on save. Now view the frontend or homepage for the menu you assigned.

Site Identity

To set up Site Identity,

  1. Go to Appearance> Customize> Default Settings > Site Identity
  2. Click Select logo by clicking Select Logo.
  3. Upload and select the desired image.
  4. Enter the Site Title and Tagline
  5. Check Display Header Text for the Site title and Tagline to appear on your homepage.
  6. Click Select Image under Site Icon
  7. Upload and select the desired image. (The Site Icon/ favicon is used as a browser and app icon for your site. The recommended Site Icon size is 512*512 pixels.)
  8. Click Save & Publish.


  1. Go to Appearance> Customize> Colors
  2. Change the Header Text Color / Background Color by clicking on the respective Select Color button
  3. Click Save & Publish.
  4. Theme Color Option is only available in Premium Version of the theme

Additional CSS

  • Go to Appearance> Customize> Additional CSS
  • Enter the Additional CSS
  • Click Save & Publish.
For further information, please check out our Knowledge base.